is integrating with TON

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The Open Network is a unique layer-1 blockchain designed by Telegram to onboard billions of users

More about TON
Ultra-fast transactions
Environmentally friendly
Fully decentralized
Easy-to-use apps
Tiny fees
GAGARIN World is an ecosystem that brings together investors from all over the world and provides full support and a wide range of services for crypto startups for a successful launch
Projects launched
Community members
Funds raised
Integration between TON and GAGARIN World opens up unlimited possibilities for everyone
Launch projects on the most technologically advanced blockchain in the world
Take advantages of GAGARIN World products and services for successful launch
More for Startups
Participate in the development of the TON ecosystem
Invest in new era projects
More for Investors
TON Ecosystem
Support of the best platform for launching startups
Increase ecosystem attraction for newcomer projects
Growth of the engaged community
More about TON
Let's develop TON together!
$GGR is a native token of the GAGARIN World ecosystem. $GGR holders get guaranteed access to investments in all newcoming projects based on TON blockchain
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